Does Adding A Concrete Patio Increase Home Value In National City?

A Concrete Patio Increases Home Value National City

Concrete patios are an investment that pays off big time. Yes, the initial cost is high, but it quickly pays for itself before long. Homes with patios sell faster than those without it. There are several reasons why adding a patio increases home value. While concrete patios cost money to install, it’s not long before they’ve paid for themselves in terms of greater resale value and higher speeds in selling. People looking to invest in their home without spending money on repairs or renovations can just add a simple patio and watch their home increase in value.

Patio Homes Demand Higher Prices

The biggest advantage of having a patio is the fact that they factor into the value of a home. If most homes in the neighborhood have patios, then anyone who doesn’t is instantly at a disadvantage. This means that people looking for homes will be more likely to go with the one that has the patio, resulting in faster sales and higher prices.

Check Home Comparison Prices

The best way to know how much a patio can increase the value of a house is by looking at comparable homes and their prices. This information is generally public, so buyers and sellers alike can easily gather data from them. Patios that are on the market for sale will be even more expensive because they have more amenities.

Patio Homes Sell Faster

Another factor that determines how much a house is worth has to do with how long it takes to sell. The longer a home sits on the market, the less it’s worth. Adding a patio eliminates this negative aspect of selling because homes with patios usually sell nearly twice as fast as those without one. This is great for anyone looking to move quickly and not lose any money in the process.

Patios Make Homes More Valuable In Summer

The added value of concrete patios doesn’t just apply during the winter when no one wants to spend time outside anyway. Anytime of year is an opportunity for people looking for a home to take advantage of the increased value that comes with having a patio. This means that homeowners can increase their asking price to reflect the added value of a patio any time they want.

When people come to look at homes, they don’t just want a place that looks nice on the inside. They also want one that is practical and will actually be worth something when they do decide to sell it years down the road. Adding a patio ticks off two boxes on this list of wants because it makes the home more valuable while adding value to the exterior.


Having a patio gives homeowners an excuse to enjoy their home for years to come, making it all that more valuable. Anyone looking for their next dream house should keep this in mind when shopping around. Homes with patios never sit on the market long and tend to sell at much higher prices! For more information regarding our concrete services, contact Concrete Contractor National City at (619) 678-0060.